Prospects for rare earth mining and processing in Vietnam from the cooperation of Vietnamese and Korean enterprises

The exploitation, processing and use of rare earths in Vietnam is still limited. The cooperation between Hung Hai Group and Trident Global Holdings brings new prospects to Vietnam's potential rare earth mining and processing field.

Rare-earth element (REE) is the common name for a group of 17 chemical elements on the periodic table, including Scandium (Sc), Yttrium and 15 elements of the Lanthan group (La, Ce, Pr, Nd , Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu). This is an important material in many high-tech fields, and is also one of the strategic materials for semiconductor production.

According to the Institute of Materials Science, up to now, Vietnam has not had a factory to process rare earth concentrates into products that meet export standards (total rare earth oxide content must reach at least 95%). Although there has been very early research on the technology to separate rare earth oxides and clean them to high purity, most of them have only been implemented in the laboratory, and no technology has yet been applied in practice.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has coordinated with relevant ministries and branches to organize many scientific conferences to connect research organizations, scientists with businesses operating in the field of rare earth exploitation and processing, in order to promote promote cooperation in research, implementation of consulting activities, transfer and improvement of technology to serve the development needs of businesses.

Recently, there have been foreign businesses and partners from the US, Japan, Korea etc interested and expressed their desire to cooperate with Vietnam in the field of mining and processing rare earth minerals. However, only a few manufacturers in these countries have the technology to deeply process rare earths, but they retain the copyright and do not transfer the technology.

Domestically, Hung Hai Group Joint Stock Company (Hung Hai Group) is one of the enterprises operating in the field of rare earth exploitation and processing in Vietnam.

Mr. Tran Dinh Hai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hung Hai Group, said that Vietnam possesses rich rare earth resources, especially in the North Nam Xe, Nam Nam Xe and Dong Pao areas of Lai Chau province. Investing in rare earth mining and processing technology will make the most of this valuable resource, contributing to improving the economic value of the country. However, the enterprise's biggest challenge is rare earth processing technology.

Mr. Tran Dinh Hai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hung Hai Group and representative of Trident Global Holdings Co., Ltd at the signing of comprehensive strategic cooperation contract

In recent years, Hung Hai Group has been investing in advanced rare earth processing technology, ensuring environmental protection requirements during the exploitation and processing process. Hung Hai Group chose many partners from Korea, Japan, the United States etc but in the end decided to choose Trident Global Holdings Co., Ltd (Korea), a company that fully met the technological conditions, financial capacity, risk management, and strong support from the Governments of the two countries.

Chairman of Trident Global Holdings - Mr. Yun Jong Hyeog said that Trident's technology is integrated with water, exhaust gas, and radioactive waste treatment technology from two large American corporations, Zoetic and Langenburg. Trident commits to supporting Hung Hai in optimizing production processes, improving the efficiency of mining, processing and producing rare earth products, meeting environmental requirements.

Trident Global Holdings Co., Ltd and Hung Hai Group have signed a strategic cooperation contract agreement on technology transfer, finance, and risk management so that the investor can soon implement project development in accordance with the policy of the Communist Party and Government in this potential field. After a process of cooperation, research, and investment in rare earth deep processing technology in accordance with Vietnamese standards, Rare Earth Deep Processing Technology has been licensed by the Ministry of Science and Technology to register the transfer of rare earth deep processing technology meeting standards TREO 95%.

The cooperation between Hung Hai Group and Trident Global Holdings not only brings economic benefits but also helps Vietnam access the most modern technology, ensuring the rare earth mining and processing process is safe, sustainable and effective, in accordance with the Communist Party and Government's rare earth industry development orientation. Moreover, it also contributes to improving Vietnam's competitiveness in the international market in the field of rare earth supply, but also plays an important role in promoting the semiconductor industry, especially in the production of electronic products, telecommunications, and high-tech equipment in Vietnam./.


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