The Sacred Affection of President Hồ Chí Minh for War Invalids and Martyrs!

On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2024), let us revisit the related documents to more clearly understand the profound and sacred affection President Hồ Chí Minh had for war invalids, martyrs, and those who contributed to the revolution.

As the date of the event approached, on July 17, 1947, President Hồ Chí Minh wrote a letter to the Standing Committee of the Organizing Committee. He emphasized the noble purpose of this day with heartfelt words: “When the country is in danger, our ancestral land, career, tombs, temples, and churches are threatened, and our parents, siblings, wives, children, relatives, and fellow countrymen are endangered. Our properties, farms, houses, ponds, and villages are in peril. Who were the first to volunteer to resist the enemy and defend our nation for us? They were the soldiers, some of whom have now become invalids.”


The Sacred Affection of President Hồ Chí Minh for War Invalids and Martyrs!

He explained: “War invalids are those who have sacrificed their families and their blood to protect the country and their fellow citizens. For the sake of the nation and the people, they endure weakness and disabilities. Therefore, the nation and the people must be grateful and must help those heroic sons.”

He then proposed: “During the fight against famine, our people used to fast one meal a week to help the hungry. Now, against foreign invaders, I am sure the people will gladly fast one meal every three months to assist the war invalids. July 27 is an opportunity for our people to show compassion and love, to show affection for the invalids.” This appeal from President Hồ Chí Minh demonstrated his special concern for those who were fighting on the front lines, as well as the spirit of national solidarity among the Vietnamese people. He called on the people to express their gratitude to the war invalids and martyrs through meaningful and practical actions to share in their sacrifices and losses.

On this occasion, President Hồ Chí Minh set an example by performing a noble act, contributing practically to mobilize the entire population to care for war invalids and martyrs' families: “I volunteer to send a silk shirt given to me by women, one month's salary of mine, one meal of mine and the staff at the Presidential Palace, totaling one thousand one hundred twenty-seven đồng (1,127đ.00).”

Each time he heard the news of the brave sacrifice of the nation's exemplary sons for the glorious revolutionary cause of the people, President Hồ Chí Minh felt the pain as if he had lost a relative, as if he had lost a part of his own flesh and blood.


President Hồ Chí Minh stood solemnly before the memorial, paying tribute to the heroes and martyrs (archival photo).

In January 1947, when Dr. Vũ Đình Tụng's son died, President Hồ Chí Minh wrote a letter to console and share the profound loss: "I have been informed that your son heroically sacrificed his life for the Fatherland. You know that I have no family, no children. Vietnam is my family. All Vietnamese youth are my children and grandchildren. Losing one young person feels like losing a part of my own flesh. But your son and other brave young people sacrificed their lives to protect our country. They have glorified our nation and race. They died for the country to live forever; their physical bodies are gone, but their spirit will always live with Vietnam. These youths are national heroes. The people and the Fatherland will never forget their gratitude.”

Moved by the letter President Hồ Chí Minh sent to Dr. Vũ Đình Tụng's family, which had lost a son for the nation's independence, this was also President Hồ Chí Minh's sentiment, sharing, and encouragement for all families across Vietnam who had lost loved ones in the protracted and arduous resistance war.

On July 27, 1948, President Hồ Chí Minh wrote a letter to the people, the wounded soldiers, and the families of the fallen soldiers, once again affirming the tremendous sacrifice and contribution of the war invalids and martyrs to the national revolutionary cause. At the same time, he emphasized the responsibility of the Government and the people to repay these sacrifices to the soldiers and their families.

In the letter, President Hồ Chí Minh emphasized: "When foreign invaders came in waves, like a great flood, they threatened to engulf the entire nation. They threatened to sweep away lives and property, submerge our parents, wives, children, and our people. In such peril, many of our beloved youths courageously went to the front lines. They were determined to use their blood and bones to build a solid wall, a firm dike to stop the flood of invaders, protecting the nation and the people. They were determined to sacrifice their lives to preserve the lives of their fellow citizens. They sacrificed their families and properties to protect the families and properties of their compatriots. They were determined to die fighting the enemy, so the nation and the people could live. They are our heroic soldiers. Among them, some left part of their bodies on the battlefield, some lost their lives. These are the war invalids, these are the martyrs... To repay this debt, the Government is trying every way to assist the wounded soldiers and the families of the martyrs. I also hope that the people will be willing to help them materially and spiritually.”

According to Mr. Cù Văn Chước, who served President Hồ Chí Minh for 14 years at the Presidential Palace, on the occasion of July 27 each year, President Hồ Chí Minh regularly wrote letters to inquire about the health of wounded soldiers and the families of the martyrs, reminding the people to uphold the moral principle of "When drinking water, think of its source. When eating fruit, remember who planted the tree" and encouraging, praising the localities, units, and individuals who had wholeheartedly helped the wounded soldiers and the families of the martyrs. He also often sent one month's salary, and sometimes a meal or a gift (donated by the people) to the wounded soldiers. He always encouraged the wounded soldiers to live with an optimistic spirit: "Disabled but not discarded." He noted: "Once you have recovered your health, you must enthusiastically participate in production work to become a model citizen. I wish the families of the martyrs to become 'exemplary revolutionary families.’"

In July 1951, President Hồ Chí Minh launched the movement "Welcome Wounded Soldiers Home" with specific content: "The government, the people, and the people's organizations in each commune should, according to their efforts and collective capabilities, welcome a number of wounded soldiers. Help them for a long time, not just temporarily."

And on the occasion of the Party and Government's return to the capital after nine years of resistance in 1954, President Hồ Chí Minh led a delegation of the Party and Government to lay a wreath at the Martyrs' Memorial. In the speech at the ceremony, he wrote: "Oh martyrs. Tomorrow is the New Year, the day when the people and the army celebrate the Government's return to the capital. While the whole country rejoices, everyone mourns the martyrs who sacrificed for the Fatherland, for the nation. On behalf of the people, the Government, and the army, I respectfully bow before the immortal souls of the martyrs... A stick of incense. A few words of comfort.”

During his lifetime, President Hồ Chí Minh always cared for and trained the younger generation so that each individual and collective would develop good qualities such as gratitude, national pride, and meaningful actions to care for wounded soldiers, invalids, and the families of the martyrs. He sent letters to the children, organizing "Trần Quốc Toản Teams": "From 5 to 10 children form a team, help each other study, and when not studying, the whole team goes to help the people. First, help the families of soldiers and wounded soldiers, and then gradually help the families with few people. For example: sweeping the house, carrying water, collecting firewood, grinding rice, babysitting, teaching the national script...” (Excerpt from President Hồ Chí Minh's letter to children organizing "Trần Quốc Toản Teams”).


President Hồ Chí Minh offered incense and laid a wreath at the Martyrs' Monument in the capital city of Hanoi on December 31, 1954 (archival photo).

Before passing away to join the great souls, in his sacred testament filled with immense love for our Party, our army, and our people, he reminded us: “Immediately after our people’s war of resistance against the U.S. has completely won, the first task concerning people is to take care of the wounded soldiers and those who have contributed to the cause of national liberation and reunification. For those who have bravely sacrificed part of their bodies, the Party, Government, and people must do everything to provide them with a stable place to live. At the same time, suitable vocational training courses should be opened so that they can gradually become self-reliant. For the martyrs in each locality, parks and memorials should be built to commemorate their heroic sacrifices, to eternally educate our people in patriotism. For the parents, wives, and children of the war invalids and martyrs who lack labor capacity and are in poverty, the local authorities must help them with appropriate employment, ensuring they do not suffer from hunger and cold.”

These valuable documents once again show us that President Hồ Chí Minh embodied a perfect blend of traditional and modern values, integrating the essence of Vietnamese culture with the essence of global culture. He represented the best of Vietnamese people, a shining star among the brightest stars in the sky. He was extremely warm, simple, with a broad, compassionate heart that embraced and showed love for all, especially for the wounded soldiers, martyrs, and their families. As scholar Vũ Khiêu expressed the sentiments of millions of compatriots before his shrine:



On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Day of War Invalids and Martyrs (July 27, 1947 - July 27, 2024), each of us Vietnamese people vow to strive our utmost, to uphold the tradition and moral principle of "When drinking water, think of its source. When eating fruit, remember who planted the tree," always respectfully expressing gratitude and taking more practical actions in accordance with the sacred wishes of our beloved President Hồ Chí Minh, to be worthy of the selfless sacrifices for the Fatherland made by our heroes, the families of wounded and sick soldiers, the Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, and those who have contributed to the revolution throughout the ages.

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